NEOAGRUM S.A.C. (NEOAGRUM) with address at Jr. Arica 242, district of Miraflores, province and department of Lima, may, through the User's consent, treat their personal data, directly or through third parties. These personal data will be stored in the Personal Data Bank owned by NEOAGRUM, called "Web Page Users".

Users can be legal persons or natural persons with a business. The data of the representatives or contact persons of the Users legal entities are not under the scope of application of Law 29733, Law on Protection of Personal Data (LPDP); and Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS, Regulation of the Personal Data Protection Law (RLPDP). With regard to natural persons with a business, the personal data subject to processing are the following:

  • Name and surname.
  • Email address.
  • Phone number.
  • Company where the user works.
  • Post.

NEOAGRUM will use said personal data for the purpose of sending advertising information to customer users or potential customers and for. In view of the foregoing, it should be noted that the omission or refusal to grant consent for the processing of the personal data indicated above (except for voluntary data) will imply that the contractual relationship cannot be initiated or executed and/or provide the service supported on the Website and/or the Application. On the other hand, if the User gives his express consent, said personal data will be used to:

  • Contact users in order to provide personalized attention to specific requests they may make.
  • Subscriptions through which advertising will be sent to you periodically.

In this case, the non-granting of consent for the processing of personal data for the aforementioned purposes will not represent the impossibility of executing the contractual relationship that is supported on the Website and/or the Application.

The data provided by the User through the Website and/or the Application will be duly protected and preserved, as established by the provisions of the LPDP and the RLPDP.

The User acknowledges that their personal data may be kept for an indefinite period, to the extent that they serve the purposes described above. NEOAGRUM informs the User that they can exercise their rights of access, updating, inclusion, rectification, deletion and opposition in the terms provided in the LPDP and the RLPDP, being able to exercise these rights by email addressed to .pe. If you consider that you have not been served in the exercise of your rights, the User may file a claim with the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.